A business process automation company

Azarc is a business process automation company that uses technology to streamline cross-border supply chains.

Azarc’s software platform helps business’ reduce costs in their international trade by automating customs clearances. Since its launch in 2021, the business’s highly scalable technology has already been adopted by leading companies, including BT Group.

Addressing a significant cross-border trade market globally and particular challenges around UK trade caused by Brexit, the business offers a compelling value proposition for importers. Recent trials have demonstrated the platform’s potential benefits, including an 85% faster processing time, a 30% reduction in labour hours and a 75% decrease in errors for customs checks when using its technology.

We made an investment in Azarc, the size of which cannot be disclosed, in January 2024.

Investment rationale

Azarc has had an impressive growth of their technology platform since launch. We believe the company’s offering has enormous potential to help businesses streamline their cross-border operations at a time when both cost efficiency and traceability are acute challenges.