Digital platform for online UK private tutoring.

MyTutor’s digital platform matches pupils with hand picked, high performing university students for one-to-one tuition in an interactive online lesson space. The schoolchildren receive one-to-one support, parents and teachers see improved educational outcomes, and tutors benefit from work they can fit around their degrees.

We originally invested £2m into MyTutor in 2017. Since then, the company has grown rapidly and we led a £5m round in June 2018 and a 4m Series B in 2020, that brought the total funding raised to date by the Company to £14m.

In January 2024, we invested a further £1.9mn into the company which will be used to help finance the development and growth of MyTutor’s new memberships go to market.

Investment rationale

MyTutor will use the funding to invest in sales and marketing, to further develop its excellent technology platform and to expand its team. Since the onset of COVID-19, MyTutor has seen demand scale rapidly as families and schools have had to embrace online learning. They anticipate this demand will continue, to help children in all years get back on track and to stop children falling behind.