Online platform accelerating the reach and impact of research.

Over a quarter of a million researchers in 190 countries already use the Kudos platform to communicate about and accelerate the impact of academic work more effectively.

Launched in 2014, Kudos aims to increase the return on expenditure of academic research by making the way in which research is funded, published and evaluated more efficient. We led a £2.2m Series A investment round.

Investment rationale

With over £150bn* invested annually in research through universities worldwide – much of this funded by taxpayers – innovation is needed to improve the return on this expenditure; effective communication of research results is central to this. Having built a central data set of dissemination actions and results, Kudos is well positioned to develop algorithms for clients to maximise the influence and impact of their academic work. As a result of the current investment, Kudos aims to expand the research data it collects and interprets, to give researchers, institutions, publishers and other stakeholders greater insight into the most effective means of communication for engaging target audiences with research.

*According to OECD estimates